时代日新月异,文化丰富多彩,沟通和交流的渴望前所未有的强烈。更多的展示自己、结识新的朋友、认知和分享新奇的事物,这已不仅仅是人们的一种闲情逸致,更是生存和发展的重要手段。 在这样的环境下"宴会外送服务——Catering Service"这个在欧美国家十分盛行的服务方式,在中国渐渐生根发芽。 宴会外送服务,通过大量的前期准备,灵活的适应能力,把餐饮服务从繁忙的餐厅、酒店中解放出来,将豪华或者精致的宴请活动带到您的身边。在阳光明媚的草地上,在枕经籍书的工作室,在富丽堂皇的艺术馆、或在热火朝天的施工现场,美食的功能已不仅仅是让肠胃的到满足,更是一种交流的载体,一种人与人沟通的润滑剂。 亲亲宴会服务(上海钦筵餐饮管理有限公司)正是一群受过严格的训练,经验丰富并且胸怀理想的成员所组成的队伍。我们愿意配合您的时间和要求为您规划和定制高品位的宴请和会务。我们所关注的并不仅仅是食品的质量,更是每个客人的切身感受。

Our philosophy is to embrace a vision of food and entertainment to give pleasure to all that enjoy the experience. We hope to balance the combine the diverse elements to make every event achieve its own objectives. Our specialty is to design the complete occasion, coordinate every detail. Besides, the great quality of the food, individual and your special requirements are our speciality. With years of catering experience,we have received an outstandingreputation.Our customers includeinternational companiesandcelebrities.Youwill be surprised to find,we know the needs of your guests more than yourself. Each of our staff at Tchin-tchin team is from either Five-star hotels or well-known restaurants. We all share the same dream, which is, by perfecting every step of the process we will be meeting your requirements and hope to exceed them so that

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